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Basics of Athletes’ Nutrition + energy

Część artykułu pochodzi z czwartego modułu (Nutrition in Sport) kursu e-learningowego "English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition".

Czarnym kolorem oznaczono: useful words and expresions, niebieskim kolorem oznaczono: useful words with prepositions, zielonym kolorem oznaczono: useful collocations.

Research on the role of nutrition in exercise and sport has been developing rapidly over the last 20 years. Today there is no doubt that athletes can benefit from adequate energy, nutrient and fluid intake, and that nutrition plays a key role in training and competition.

The training session is not only the physical exercise. Both competitive athletes and amateurs should be conscious about other factors which influence optimal health and promote better performance. Thus multifactor approach is needed to optimize the effort undertaken during training session and the obtained results. This includes determining individual fluid, energy and nutrient intake which needs to be adjusted to individual goals, needs and the training period.


Good nutrition helps both competitive athletes and individuals who exercise for fitness or recreation to:

Część artykułu pochodzi z czwartego modułu (Nutrition in Sport) kursu e-learningowego "English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition".

Czarnym kolorem oznaczono: useful words and expresions, niebieskim kolorem oznaczono: useful words with prepositions, zielonym kolorem oznaczono: useful collocations.

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O autorze

Urszula Somow


Dietetyk sportowy. Obecnie współpracuje z jednym z najlepszych klubów siatkarskich w Polsce PGE Skry Bełchatów. Współpracowała z kadrami narodowymi, a także z indywidualnymi sportowcami.

Grzegorz Pamrów


Absolwent Uniwersytetu w Sydney i Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Od 2013 współtworzy i prowadzi kurs English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition.

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