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Macronutrients: carbohydrates

Część artykułu pochodzi z z trzeciego modułu (Digestion, absorption + macronutrients) kursu e-learningowego 'English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition'.

Czarnym kolorem oznaczono: useful words and expresions, niebieskim kolorem oznaczono: useful words with prepositions, zielonym kolorem oznaczono: useful collocations.

"Non-starch polysaccharides" (NSP) is a term which may be used instead of “fiber”. Dietary fiber defined so, does not include lignin or resistant starch. Fiber can be classified as soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber (e.g. from apples, barley, legumes, oats, pears, strawberries, citrus fruits, etc.) decreases the blood glucose response to ingestion. It binds water and slows down the reabsorption of bile acids, which results from a lower rate of cholesterol absorption, and reduces blood cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber (from legumes, fruits with edible seeds, maize, oats, bran, brown rice, wholemeal products) mostly consists of cellulose and some hemicelluloses. It swells in the colon and thus stimulates the peristalsis, prolongs the transit time and reduces the risk of constipation. Daily recommended intake of NSP is 20-40 g.



carbohydrates - węglowodany growth - wzrost
constitute - stanowić, tworzyć non-starch - nieskrobiowe
monosaccharides - monosacharydy amylase - amylaza
disaccharides - dwucukry amylopectin - amylopektyna
polysaccharides - polisacharydy linkages - połączenia
glucose - glukoza glycaemic - glikemiczny
fructose - fruktoza unripe - niedojrzały
galactose - galaktoza lignin - lignina
starch - skrobia soluble - rozpuszczalny
particles - cząstki insoluble - nierozpuszczalny
sucrose - sacharoza ingestion - spożywanie, przyjmowanie pokarmu
maltose - maltoza bind - łączyć, wiązać
oligosaccharides - oligosacharydy bile acid - kwas żółciowy
raffinose - rafinoza edible - jadalny
stachyose - stachioza maize - kukurydza
verbascose - werbaskoza bran - otręby
to digest - trawić swell - spuchnąć
inulin - inulina peristalsis - perystaltyka



Choose the appropriate answer to the following questions. There is only one possible answer.


  1. What are the compounds observed after lactose hydrolyzation?
    1. two molecules of glucose
    2. glucose and galactose
    3. two molecules of galactose
  2. Consumption of which of the following products will result in the largest glycaemic response?
    1. unripe bananas
    2. oats
    3. cooked potatoes
  3. What is inulin?
    1. a prebiotic stimulating the growth of the beneficial bacteria in the colon
    2. an insoluble fiber swelling in the colon
    3. a hormone controlling the glycaemia



The following collocations were taken from 'digestion, absorption + macronutrients' module. Match them to make correct expressions.


bond          time          glands          out          vessel          lipase

cell          muscle          moistening          products

membrane          diffussion          stream          juice

  1. Salivary
  2. Lingual
  3. Gastric
  4. Waste
  5. Diagonal
  6. Pad
  7. Food
  8. Lymphatic
  9. Transit
  10. Cell
  11. Facilitated
  12. Blood
  13. Goblet
  14. Peptide


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O autorze

Grzegorz Pamrów


Absolwent Uniwersytetu w Sydney i Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Od 2013 współtworzy i prowadzi kurs English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition.

Liliana Pratzer-Kubicka


Dietetyk. Zdobywała wiedzę na SGGW i Warszawskim Uniwersytecie Medycznym. Pasjonatka nauki języków obcych, włada biegle językiem angielskim i  francuskim. W ‘English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition’ jest odpowiedzialna za language content development.

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