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Diet and longevity

Część tekstu pochodzi z 7 modułu (Diet and longevity) kursu e-learningowego "English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition".

Czarnym kolorem oznaczono: useful words and expresions, niebieskim kolorem oznaczono: useful words with prepositions, zielonym kolorem oznaczono: useful collocations.

Vitamin E - tocopherols and tocotrienols

These fat-soluble antioxidant compounds: Α-tocopherol (present in wheat germ oil, sunflower, and safflower oils) and γ-Tocopherol (occurring in corn oil, soybean oil, margarine, and dressings) possess powerful anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, cholesterol-lowering and anti-cancer qualities.

The adverse effect of eating food high in Vitamin E is not found, however high doses of Α-tocopherol supplement can cause hemorrhage and troubles with blood coagulation.


Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q-10)

A lipid-soluble endogenous substance resembling vitamin that extracts energy from food. It is claimed to be beneficial in preventing cancer, increasing longevity and revitalizing the immune system by reducing the oxidative stress. It also has neuroprotective properties - Q10 may be a useful treatment for neurodegenerative diseases.

Coenzyme Q-10 production decreases with ageing in humans. To increase its plasma concentration it is recommended to implement the oral supplementation and increase its intake from foods.

The heartiest sources of coenzyme Q-10 are fatty fish, beef and poultry, peanuts, pistachios.



longevity - długowieczność to lower - obniżyć
free radicals – wolne rodniki beta-carotene - beta karoten
mitochondria - mitochondria L-ascorbic acid – kwas askorbinowy
evince - przejawiać, świadczyć parsley - pietruszka
oxidative stress - stres oksydacyjny bell pepper - papryka
nitrosative stress - stres nitrozacyjny lesion – lezja (obrażenie, uszkodzenie)
oxidation – oksydacja, utlenianie cornea - rógówka
endogenous - endogenny tendons - ścięgna
nitric oxide – tlenek azotu ligaments - wiązadła
reproductive - rozrodczy cartilages - chrząstki
oxygen species – formy tlenu trout - pstrąg
reactive nitrogen species - reaktywne formy azotu shellfish – skorupiaki
molecular - cząsteczkowy, molekularny mussels - małże
derive from – pochodzić od cognitive - kognitywny
tocopherols - tokoferole safflower - krokosz barwierski
tocotrienols - tokotrienole dressing – sos, dressing
polyphenols - polifenole dose - dawka
thiols - tiole hemorrhage - krwotok
glutathione - glutation ubiquinone (coenzyme Q-10) - ubichinon
ubiquinol-10 - ubichinol resembling - przypominać
carotenoids - karotenoidy revitalizing - rewitalizować, ożywiać
retinol - retinol neurodegenerative - neurodegeneracyjny
chromatic - chromatyczny, barwny heartiest – najbardziej obfity, krzepki
abusing - nadużywać poultry - drób
carotene - karoten  


Put the following words and expressions into the proper gaps to make understandable sentences. (Ćwiczenie wraz z odpowiedziami dostępne w załącznikach do pobania)

ripeness       polyphenols        extract     oxidative stress     prebiotics     cartilage     genitourinary        cholesterol-lowering


  1. …………. is a condition associated with chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular and metabolic diseases.
  2. Diets with high content of antioxidant ……….. are associated with low prevalence of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  3. Laboratories ……….. antioxidants occurring naturally in plants to enable consuming the needed amount at once.
  4. One of the degenerative changes in older age is losing ……… in joints, especially in hip and knee.
  5. Fruits of the same variation at different ……… levels show uneven amount of antioxidants.
  6. A diet rich in ……….. - inulin, fructooligosaccharides - includes foods such as leeks, chicory, garlic, endive, jerusalem artichoke and legumes.
  7. One of the functional …………foods are margarines containing plant sterols or stanols
  8. There is a significant increase in hospital admissions due to ……….tract complications in patients supplementing zinc at high levels.

O autorze

dr n. o zdr. Magdalena Milewska


Adiunkt w Zakładzie Żywienia Człowieka Warszawskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego, członek Polskiego Towarzystwa Żywienia Pozajelitowego i Dojelitowego. Autorka wielu publikacji naukowych i programów edukacyjnych.

Grzegorz Pamrów


Absolwent Uniwersytetu w Sydney i Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Od 2013 współtworzy i prowadzi kurs English for Clinical Dietetics and Nutrition.

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